Wednesday, May 28, 2008

master of disaster

At eight months, this is Campbell's official nickname. He is into EVERYTHING, especially since he mastered the art of crawling/sitting by himself, and now pulling himself up on things (first onto his knees, and in the past couple of days onto his feet). Although, there are those rare few moments when he is quiet and daydream-y and oh so cute instead of trying to eat leaves or rubbing his eczema cream into the carpet. Like these photos below - I caught him staring out the window, having a think:

Such a little guy still. Yet getting more independent every day. Time is flying, and although I'm glad to see the back of seven months (extreme non-sleeping issues surfaced for some reason - surviving on three hours a night is not fun) I want him to stay this small and cute and cuddly forever.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

first mother's day

Happy Mother's Day to all you mums out there. Today was my very first - and I was thoroughly spoilt by my two boys. Breakfast on the couch while lazing in the sun and watching a DVD of my choice, an uninterrupted by the demands of a seven month old shower, chores I particularly detest (ie. the dishes) done for me, and best of all, oodles of time to scrapbook. Thank you Carl and Campbell for making the day special for me! Here are a few pics we took this afternoon to mark the occasion (please excuse my scary afro I need a straightener!):

And here are a few from the past week. One day Cam will probably claim he needs counselling because I posted these pics of his bare bum on the net, but how could I resist? He has the cutest tush around!

Friday, May 2, 2008

catch up post

Sorry about the lack of blogging lately - we don't have a landline or Internet at our new place, so I'm typing this up at Jenny's (Carl's mum's) place. Hope you guys haven't been missing this gorgeous smile too much!

Isn't he magnificent?! My cousin Steph sent me an email recently that said he was going to be a heartbreaker when he got older...I must say I agree! =) Campbell has been really thriving lately, despite the fact that he still has no teeth and we've been having some teething drama (back to multiple feeds a night - bummer! He was doing so well). He is babbling up a storm and can now say mumma, dadda, nan-nan and bum-bum. It's so cute! He pretty much talks constantly and enjoys having "conversations" with people. I've included a video below, and in it Cambo says a word not included in the list above...see if you can pick it up! It's a word he's been practising a lot - he's nearly got it.

He is also commando crawling. He's actually really fast and has figured out that he doesn't need me to shift him from room to room before he starts exploring - he can get there himself. In the morning he loves to crawl over to our TV cabinet, turn on the xbox (yes, he knows exactly what to do - it's scary!), pull all the games off the shelf and then get himself a controller. Just like Daddy! He can also wave and clap. The Plunket nurse said he was very advanced for his age (said in my best proud mummy voice)!