Monday, January 14, 2008

back to normal

Well, the holiday excitement is over for us and we are back to "normal" around here - Carl has returned to work and Cam and I are busy hanging out at home. Time with a little one (Campbell is seventeen weeks old this Thursday) all seems to blur together at this age - Cam is growing and changing so fast, and learning so many things, yet it seems that day after day we do the same stuff (nap, play, do housework, eat, go for walks). Sometimes I worry that he's bored, but I know he can't be, with his Mummy on tap to entertain him. Here is some of the stuff we've been doing the past couple of days.

Campbell loves hanging out with Carl and watching the TV. Sports are his favourite, but he will watch pretty much anything with lots of movement and loud excited voices.

Cam is getting more interested in "big people" food now, and he loves licking and sucking on leftover nectarine. I took this photo this morning after he had a pretty good go at demolishing my nectarine core - he had nectarine all over his forehead, chin, cheeks, hands, t-shirt and even his toes. I don't think you can make it out in this photo though.

Since we have resumed our routine, it means we are back to getting daily visits from Davey, my sister's son who is two days older than Cam. They are so cute playing together - they will always try and hold hands and suck each other's fingers. Soooo adorable!

The self-soothing at bedtime is going pretty badly. Cam is starting to teethe and Carl and I just feel it isn't the right time for him to try this - it was distastrous the three nights we tried it and everyone got very little sleep. He was straight back to some whiny, clingy behaviour he had definitely grown out of, so last night I ended up demand feeding him again until he was fully asleep and we all had a much better night with only a couple of early-morning feeds. We will give it another try when his teeth aren't making him so miserable...and when Mum and Dad get their stress levels back to normal! lol