Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Here are a few of the layouts I've done just recently for Campbell's album. Note they are all single layouts - time is of the essence with my little Bean! lol

"First Time Parenthood". The scanner cut this off at the sides - imagine a dark-blue border all the way around. A bit of a depature from my usual very simple style...I just tossed together a whole bunch of fun, colourful papers and cut stars out for my embellishments. I made three of my photos black-and-white to help them stand out, and kept the other two in colour. Cam was less than a week old when these were taken!

"Your Name". All about how we chose Cam's name, and a pic of him with his Grandad, Geoffrey, who is his namesake.

"Your Star Sign". I looked up some typical Virgo traits and wrote them down to see if Cam can relate in the future!

"Leave Your Mark on the World". I just love those teensey hand and footprints!

"Look at all that Crazy Hair!" So many people comment on it!

Speaking of comments, I've turned them on. I think all you need to leave one is an email address. Let me know if you've stopped by!