Saturday, January 26, 2008


The week before last, Cam was definitely not ready for solids. We tried him a couple of times on Farex (baby rice cereal, for those of you who are non-parents), but he hated it - kept gagging and spitting it out. The reason we thought he might be ready was because he loves sucking on things like nectarine and apple cores, and he was very interested in watching us eat. After trying a couple of times without much success we decided to give solids a break, but last week he started trying to grab food out of our hands and cram it into his mouth - whining and crying when we wouldn't let him have a taste! So we tried him on some apples, and he loves them. Can't get enough! He isn't too sure about veges yet, but fruit is all good - he's had apples, mango, bananas, kiwifruit, pears, and blueberries so far. The kumara and sweetcorn mash is growing on him though!

Farex is still a no-go at this stage - I think it's the texture that's putting him off.

Here are a couple of photos we took of Cambo today. It's gorgeous weather up here and Carl and I took Cam for a walk along the waterfront, stopping for lunch then ice-cream as we did so. :) Can't wait until Bean is old enough to be really enjoying these outings as well. He's growing up so fast, I'm sure it won't take him long!

And this is something else Cam has been doing a lot lately (apart from drooling and sucking in his bottom lip) - poking his tongue out, all the time, especially when he smiles. Soooo cute! You can really see how blonde his hair is turning (at the sides) in this pic. Needs another cut on top though!