Saturday, January 19, 2008

in just four short months

Going back and scrapbooking some of Campbell's earliest pictures has reminded me just how far he has come in four short months. He has learnt so many things and changed so drastically - his cheeky, sociable personality is really starting to shine through now and it is such a joy watching him grow and change.

This was the first ever photo we took of Campbell, moments after his birth. We couldn't believe how big he was! I thought he looked so much like Carl, but with my eyes. Looking at this photo is still emotional for me. It brings me right back to that moment I became a mum...the best feeling in the world!

This picture was taken at barely a week old. Cam's eyes were only just starting to open up really wide and they hadn't turned the really vibrant shade of gorgeous blue they are now. However, they were still beautiful. Carl and I couldn't get over how perfect and wonderful he was (and still is)!

Spending time with my boy at just over a month old. He is no longer always content to lie in my arms and sleep...he's becoming more and more independent all the time. However, I love it when he does - and I love the photos I have reminding me of this cute stage.

Carl is the best father in the world. He adores Cam and I know they will have a really wonderful relationship in the years to come. Carl can't wait until Cam is old enough to run around and be active with - Campbell all ready has his first hockey stick, and I'm sure a rugby ball and set of golf clubs will follow!

Campbell started smiling "properly" around 5-6 weeks (so many people don't believe me when I tell them that, but it's true - he was an early smiler!) but it took us forever to capture one of his cheeky grins on camera (not until he was just on three months). Here he is hanging out at Charlotte's house. The rattle he is holding is "Jack", who of course belongs to Davey, but Cam will do anything to wrangle it out of Davey's grasp if he sees him holding it!

Our little family at Christmas. I just love these two soooo much! I'm the luckiest girl in the world!