Friday, February 15, 2008


I have decided to use a blurry picture for today's photo simply because this best illustrates what Campbell is like at the moment. Always moving/wobbling/rolling/trying to explore. It's almost impossible to get a non-blurry photo on the natural light settings on our camera (I hate using the flash during the day). I chose this one because Cam was having so much fun trying to balance himself in a sitting position on Poppa's can tell it would have been a darling photo if it was in focus, lol.
Here's another random pic from today. I love the way Cam cranes his head around to follow me when I'm walking past his cot. He has the cutest chubbiest cheeks and most adorable chin ever! I could just eat him.
Some people have asked how I do the portraits of the boys. I simply hang a white sheet over a couple of chairs in the lounge by the ranch slider and snap away. I just take photo after photo after photo and go through them later, delete the ones I don't like and viola! The results are luck more than anything. With babies, you have to work fast, otherwise they get grumpy. It helps to have another person with you - usually Charlotte stands behind me, singing and waving toys to make them laugh or get their attention. Thank you to everyone who said they looked like they had been done by a professional!