Thursday, February 7, 2008

one exhausted kid

It is just past midday as I write this, and Campbell has been asleep since 9.30am! Unreal for him. He had a bad night last night though. Doesn't he look sweet all fast asleep?

As you can see, he has become a side/tummy sleeper. I know he's somewhat out of the woods for SIDS now he's over four months old, but they drum that much paranoia into you about it that I am constantly getting up in the night and hovering over his cot to make sure he's breathing. Plus, they say, "If you see him on his stomach, roll him onto his back" - all well and good if your child doesn't wake up when you do it! Cam hates being moved in his sleep. Oh well, I'm sure I'll relax about it one day. When he's eleven, maybe.

Here are some of the scrapbook pages I've been working on lately, using black-and-white photos. The first are family photos from Geoff and Jenny's birthdays while we were down in Taranaki. One of the fun things about getting engaged to Carl was inheriting his neices and nephews. Aren't they adorable? This was the first time Cambo went down a slide. He wasn't too sure about it at all, but he ended up having turns with Tyler, Blair, Dylan and Hayley, which was cool for them too. It's neat to see the way they interact with Cam.

These pics are of Blair and Tyler on the go karts they got for Christmas. The boys couldn't wait to show them off and Cambo got a ride on one of those, too!

And to finish today's post, a sweet little pic of Campbell in his Jolly Jumper. I have sooo many photos of him in this thing - I just love how happy he is when he's in there. He has the best time. And he looks so cute to boot!