Friday, February 1, 2008

a pinch and a punch for the first of the month

Hello there. Today was soooo hot, I think I would have gone insane staying inside all day just doing the same old same old. Luckily, Mum had the afternoon off work so we (along with Charlotte and Davey) went down to the waterfront and had nice cold drinks and ice creams from the Fudge Farm. They blend vanilla ice cream with your favourite's divine and completely irresistable. Explains why the diet I was going to start today went completely out the window! :)

Here's my gorgeous Mum and sister...

Cambo half-heartedly trying to suck on Davey's bunny (he was actually falling asleep in this position when I took this photo...shows how hot it was!)...

Davey zonked out after taking a hit on the dummy...

And our two cute boys, fast asleep.

I have decided I am going to try and post a photo per day the whole of February, and make a scrapbook layout of them afterwards. I'm counting one of the above as my photo of the day today - can you guess which one? If you leave me a comment with the correct guess by 5pm tomorrow, I will send you a bag of Fudge Farm fudge.

Can you tell I want people to comment on my blog? lol