Friday, February 29, 2008

leap day update

Hello everyone, and happy Leap Day! My sincerest apologies that I have neglected you for so long...first Campbell and I got sick with a horrendous flu, and since then we have just been busy, busy, busy. Poor excuses I know, but now I'm back on top of things and promise to keep you more up-to-date with our happenings.

I guess I should start this post by saying Carl and I have made some major decisions lately, and the biggest one involves a move back to Taranaki! Yes, we are leaving Northland and heading back down to Dub T (aka Waitara). This mostly has to do with Carl's job...he isn't enjoying the one up here and feels he will have better opportunites (and better pay) at his old sawmill in Bell Block. Carl's parents have generously offered to let us stay with them while we get ourselves sorted (thanks, Geoff and Jenny), and I will be looking for a part-time job as well, to supplement Carl's income and pay some bills. But once we have settled back in, we will be looking to head out on our own, which Carl and I are really looking forward to. There's nothing like having your own house and your own space - I feel we have encroached on our parents for far too long, but thank God they have been there to bail us out when we needed them! =)
Of course, my family isn't thrilled that we are leaving, and I'm finding it really upsetting as well. I know this is the right move for us to make, but it is still extremely difficult. The worst part was telling my Mum...she broke down in tears and has told my sister she will be "heartbroken" to see Campbell go. Living with my parents has forged an incredible bond between Campbell and them, and Cam adores them both, especially Mum. Of course, the flip side of leaving my parents is that Campbell will be able to spend more time with Carl's. (Note: pic of Dad, Mum and Cam taken quite some time ago! lol)
Leaving my sister is also a real wrench for me. I didn't realise until now how much I rely on Charlotte's company during the day, how thrilled I always am to spend time with her and my nephew and make plans for their future together. We have started taking Cam and Davey to music (more on that below) and were looking to take them to swimming after they turned six months old, not to mention countless other little adventures we had planned for them. I have witnessed my sister blossom into an amazing mother, someone I admire and copy all the time when it comes to interacting with Cam. She is patient, creative, funny, warm and so generously loving towards my little boy as well as her own son. I have never laughed as hard with her or bonded with her as much as I have since September last year. I hope Charlotte will always know how proud I am of her, and how much I love her. I want her to always have confidence in her abilities as a mother, because she is amazing. I think this photograph of Davey really says it all...he is one gorgeous, happy little dude. I will miss you both more than I am ever able to say.

Well, I'm tearing up here, so on to other things. The decision has been made, Carl finishes work up here on March 13, but in the meantime life goes on for our sweet little man. As I mentioned above, Charlotte and I took the boys to a music session this morning. It's held in a church a few blocks down the road and Steve's (Charlotte's partner's) stepmother invited us along. It was so much fun! The boys loved it. It's basically just singing and dancing for babies and toddlers, and then a snack at the end. Cam and Davey lapped up every minute, had a good chew on some of the props used during the songs, then both came home and crashed! I will have to find something similiar down in Taranaki because Cambo loves music. He was looking around with big eyes the whole time, especially at the other kids.

In other news, Cam now fits in his highchair (courtesy of Pete and Nicola...thanks guys!). He's growing up so fast! He especially likes dumping his toys off the sides while he is waiting for a meal...I imagine it will be food flung on the floor soon...can't wait for that! =)

Some floor time...

And some bonding time with Ollie this afternoon. A busy, happy Leap Day! I hope yours has been as good. =)