Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Campbell has officially started teething! His first one coming through is on the left side, which I thought was a bit unusual (don't they usually come through in the front first?), but there's no denying it's there - you can feel the sharp little edge pushing through his gum. He has been drooling and sucking on things more than ever the past few of days, which may explain the somewhat sleepless nights we've been having. He's also having a "difficult" time in the afternoon between 3-6pm, where all he wants to do is feed and sleep - except he won't let me put him down for any naps and wakes up absolutely screaming (and crying real tears - I hate that!) if I do. Not that I need any excuse to simply sit and cuddle my wonderful, sleepy, snuggly little man...but laundry and other chores don't do themselves, unfortunately!
Here are a couple of photos from yesterday. Cam was having a sleep in his stroller after a walk, and I could see his mohawk so clearly...

Love the great big smiles he gives right after he's just woken up and sees me again for the first time. As if to say, it's you! I'm so glad you're here! The best feeling in the world. I'll have the photos to remind myself of it when he's a stroppy teenager slamming doors in my face. lol

And tonight, we've had a marvellous feed of Farex and pears...

And Cam's off for a quick car ride with Daddy to see a friend, Wayne, before bed:

I will try and get my layouts scanned and posted tomorrow. Hopefully I will get some time tonight to do some scrapping after Bean is sound asleep.